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Re: Updates to faculty layoff plan and other stuff

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:27 am
by WIU0812
Does Thomas have the pair to make the difficult decisions like this and fight back where needed? He seems to be a guy who only likes to talk about the good news and put a bright smile on everything. Trying to make things seem OK is one thing, but every needs to know the truth and sometimes that is the best method. He just seems to soft spoken and like someone unable to handle the tough position we are in, but maybe I am wrong and he will do just fine. I am not saying it is a small task to run a school when things are going well or at least just limited issues, but when problems like this occur it really shows how capable our leaders are.

Re: Updates to faculty layoff plan and other stuff

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:59 am
by Leatherneck10
Jackie is obsessed with image. Obsessed. He micromanages inconsequential details to the extreme in many situations. It's embarrassing sometimes what minute decisions he takes an active role in deciding, rather than spending his time and energy on real problems. I think he's really socially awkward and by micromanaging things that make no difference (color of napkins and table decorations at events, etc.) he feels like he's in control of situations. It just makes him look foolish.

Re: Updates to faculty layoff plan and other stuff

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:36 am
by LocalFan
The question was posed earlier on how to support this: "There's a great letter that the sensible conglomerate of the faculty started circulating to recall their union leadership and elect people that will assist in making some of these necessary, although difficult, structural reforms. I'd encourage you all to do what you can to support those faculty and this cause."

The faculty member that started the recall effort process has, sadly and unsurprisingly, received hate mail and become a pariah among his peers. What is needed is a coalition of people calling out the faculty union for their selfishness.

Re: Updates to faculty layoff plan and other stuff

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 11:51 am
by Leatherneck10
LocalFan wrote:The question was posed earlier on how to support this: "There's a great letter that the sensible conglomerate of the faculty started circulating to recall their union leadership and elect people that will assist in making some of these necessary, although difficult, structural reforms. I'd encourage you all to do what you can to support those faculty and this cause."

The faculty member that started the recall effort process has, sadly and unsurprisingly, received hate mail and become a pariah among his peers. What is needed is a coalition of people calling out the faculty union for their selfishness.
The person who started the recall effort is, quite likely, the first or second most annoying faculty member on campus. (The other being the person he's trying to recall.) He was the wrong choice to lead this effort if it is to be taken seriously.

Now the fact that he got an untenured Assistant Professor to co-author the recall? Not appropriate. Activism is not for the untenured. It's too risky. He should have never let her do that.

Re: Updates to faculty layoff plan and other stuff

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 11:57 am
by WIU0812
ST can we install a like button on here similar to facebook because there is plenty of comments on here I want to thumbs up! HAHA

Re: Updates to faculty layoff plan and other stuff

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 11:47 am
by wiu712
College in southern Illinois lays off 55 amid budget impasse

From the Associated Press:

Trustees at a southern Illinois community college have voted to lay off 55 faculty and staff members amid financial troubles administrators say stem from the lack of a state budget.

The John A. Logan College board voted 7-1 on Wednesday. The (Carbondale) Southern Illinoisan reports more than 300 people packed the Carterville-based college meeting. Before the vote some attendees spoke against the plan to eliminate 38 percent of the college's full-time instructors. Faculty member Kathleen Carl called the plan "short-sighted and ill-conceived."

Administrators recommended the layoffs to shore up a $7 million budget gap that they say was created by the state budget impasse.

Interim college president Ron House said he wished lawmakers and the governor "were sitting at this table tonight having to make this decision."

Re: Updates to faculty layoff plan and other stuff

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:59 pm
by sealhall74
Lock up all the lawmakers inside the state house, allow delivery of pizza, no getting out until a budget is passed. I guarantee they would have a budget in less than two weeks.

Re: Updates to faculty layoff plan and other stuff

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:58 pm
by wiu712
Chicago State now able to pay employees through April

By David Mercer, The Associated Press

Chicago State University now has enough money to pay its employees through the end of April and the school year, a spokesman said Thursday.

The financially troubled South Side university had been saying it would run out of money by the end of March as Illinois' public colleges and universities wait for state funding held up by the budget standoff.

But university officials have negotiated with companies that do business with the school to use remaining cash reserves on payroll, spokesman Tom Wogan told The Associated Press.

"We've talked to a lot of vendors who are mostly understanding," Wogan said.

But the school still doesn't have money to operate beyond the end of April, he said.

The predominantly black Chicago State has already issued notices of potential layoffs to its 900 employees that would begin after April, and, to stretch its finances, shortened the spring semester to finish that month.

Being able to pay employees through the end of the semester should help Chicago State avoid any immediate accreditation problems, said Robert Bionaz, an associate history professor at the school and head of its faculty union.

But he does not yet see any reason for optimism that the long-term situation will improve.

"Absolutely not. I have no idea. I can't imagine how this is going to end," he said.

Illinois has had no state budget since summer as Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and the Democrats who control the General Assembly disagree over how to address a multi-billion dollar gap between the money the state has and its financial obligations.

Re: Updates to faculty layoff plan and other stuff

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:12 am
by vatusay

This is infuriating. They know it's more than likely going to be vetoed but who cares we get a month long break! We'll do our jobs later!

The people of Illinois deserve better.

Re: Updates to faculty layoff plan and other stuff

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:44 am
by WIU0812
I am sure it is equally the governor's and house/senate's fault that we are in this situation, but it is now starting to look more and more like the house/senate democrats are a major cause of the ongoing issues and not as much the governor for once. They have been told that a bill that was within reason would be accepted, instead they keep working for weeks and then passing these bills that are basically exactly the same as the ones before. It just all in all seems ridiculous, but the house/senate needs to man up and pass a bill within reason just to get a budget going, why do they think he will eventually accept a budget amount that is basically the same high number every time? I just do not understand the concept our state has with spending more than we have. Everyone knows we are deep in debt, so their plan is to continue to spend billions more than we have?