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Got phished this AM by message claiming to be WIU!

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:46 am
by Neckfansince71
How do I reset my pass word? I have been looking and cannot find it!


Re: Got phished this AM by message claiming to be WIU!

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:08 pm
by ST_Lawson
The Gear icon at the top right, click Profile, then Edit Account Settings.
Did the email come from somewhere that made you think it had something to do with this site? Or just resetting all passwords to be safe?

Re: Got phished this AM by message claiming to be WIU!

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:39 pm
by Neckfansince71
As strange as it sounds I got a message from Western Illinois saying that someone from Kiev had tried to access the website. I thought they meant the Sidearm account. When you clicked on it the official logo for WIU was displayed with spots to put email, username and password. I have been using an old password so after I filled it out like an idiot, using the old password that I have used on this website and Sidearm, I realized hen I touched the Western Illinois it displayed a address. What do you think oh wise one?

Re: Got phished this AM by message claiming to be WIU!

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:18 pm
by ST_Lawson
I would go ahead and reset any sites that you use that password on, just to be safe.

Also, just as a general rule...never click on a link in an email....ever. If you think that it might be legit, open your browser and go directly to the website and log in. It's easy to spoof an email to look like it's from someone (I can send you an email from if you want), so even if it's from (or like,, for example), don't believe it.

If you don't use that password on many sites, you're probably ok, just make sure you reset the ones that you do use it on.