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First question for Tanney could go something like this:

"I have only one question ... in 27 parts ...
Who was your second in command
and how was the food
and how was the internet service
and could you shed any insight on those sticks
and ..."

Damn, I miss Rodney Dangerfield.
Embrace the pace of the race.
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This should have been a national search. Really would have liked to see who else would have been interested.
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Tere North
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sealhall74 wrote:First question for Tanney could go something like this:

"I have only one question ... in 27 parts ...
Who was your second in command
and how was the food
and how was the internet service
and could you shed any insight on those sticks
and ..."

Damn, I miss Rodney Dangerfield.
My first question, - as AD, what steps will you take to recover from the fiasco created by VP Biller in announcing pretty much a done deal at the Dec 14th press conference?
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Tere North
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LocalFan wrote:This should have been a national search. Really would have liked to see who else would have been interested.
This has become the norm at Western; appoint an interim, then 6-12 months later, "interview" and announce the removal of the interim delimiter in their title.
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Haven't been posting for months. Been reading the threads and couldn't stay quit any longer.I was told the same thing that Matt and his family had the cruise planned for months. Although with today's technology he should have been able to Skype or be present some how. It's pretty obvious Tere North doesn't like VP Biller. I believe we need to look higher. Why hasn't Jack Thomas been mentioned in any of this mess. If affirmative action was the reason the press conference to announce Tyler Yelk as the new HC you know Thomas was involved in that! Also I was told last weekend that Coach Nielson tried to get a meeting with Thomas for TWO YEARS to discuss the vision of the program, facilities upgrades, Cost of Attendance etc. Thomas wouldn't make time for Coach Nielson. From the Press Conference at SD it was obvious the "vision" and commitment from SD played a big part in Nielson leaving. After the FB golf fund raiser last Spring I was with five assts at a local establishment. I asked how much support they were getting from Thomas after what I had been hearing the past two years about what Thomas was doing to WIU. The Asst Coaches looked at me with amazed looks and in unison said "SUPPORT, ARE YOU "Kidding" (they didn't say kidding) ME?" They went on to tell me opposing coaches were using negative recruiting against Western by telling recruits the campus was not safe and students were going home every weekend to get away from campus. I was back for the final Mens/Womens BB DH last season. Coach Nielson was scheduled to speak to the group of donors between games. Instead Thomas insisted Jesse White speak about his tumblers! Coach Nielson never did speak! I also was told last week that the Faculty was prepared to show a vote of no confidence in Thomas to the Board of Trustees. This is when Thomas pulled the 50 staff member reduction off the table just prior to the BOT meeting. How the BOT could give this guy a two year extension is beyond belief. An alum form Chicago called last night and said we should be protesting outside Sherman Hall do get Thomas fired! Western will continue to go down hill as long as Thomas keeps bringing it down!
Last edited by LeatherCy on Tue Dec 29, 2015 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Tere North
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LeatherCy wrote:It's pretty obvious Tere North doesn't like VP Biller. I believe we need to look higher. Why hasn't Jack Thomas been mentioned in any of this mess.
I definitely don't disagree that Thomas is part of the problem. He wasn't supported by faculty when he was their leader as Provost. As President, he has not demonstrated the ability to lead. Leadership in difficult times requires decision making and action, not just sitting in the seat. Sure, he went before the legislature to plead his case, but that was wasted time and effort. He needs to be figure out what to do with the hand he's been dealt, not complaining about that hand.

But, VP Biller is the one who leads Athletics, not the President. Don't get me wrong, I believe Athletics should report to the President, but they haven't at Western, reporting to what is now VP Bainter's area before they moved to Student Services when Mortier retired.
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LeatherCy- Good to see you post again. Outstanding comments.I agree 100% in your comments about the President. Folks I know at Western have complained about him all along.He told my niece as she graduated across the stage, "do you have a job? send me a dollar" I told her to send the school $1.00. when the next fund drive asks. Sounds bad on my part, but most of us didn't like his cavalier attitude. That attitude of his is likely hurting WIU.
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I was home last weekend. Friend told me he was at the Ag Mech Show a year ago as his daughter had a role in the show. He said Thomas was there at the opening. My friend tried to talk to him Said he came off arrogant and acted like he didn't want to be there.
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Tere North
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LeatherCy wrote:I was home last weekend. Friend told me he was at the Ag Mech Show a year ago as his daughter had a role in the show. He said Thomas was there at the opening. My friend tried to talk to him Said he came off arrogant and acted like he didn't want to be there.
So even though Ag is one of Western's 12 signature programs ... cow poop, pig poop, oh my :mrgreen:
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Couldnt agree more Thomas is the driving force of this university going into the, um, pooper.
It does really suck to hear what all you had to say, though, with it being the truth.
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