Athletics Director

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Tere North
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vatusay wrote:CY FOR PREZZ!!!

Couldnt agree more Thomas is the driving force of this university going into the, um, pooper.
It does really suck to hear what all you had to say, though, with it being the truth.
Yet, it was the BOT who really wanted him, including convincing him not to interview for the position at another schools where he was a finalist. I guess the BOT should learn that sometime you have to be careful because you just might get what you asked for.
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As an outsider, I appreciate hearing about this, but it is depressing to hear. I wasn't a fan of Goldfarb(?), and thought Thomas was an improvement but doesn't sound like it.
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Tere North
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Why no announcement yet? Heck, it was only a 3-hr interview yesterday, so a decision should have easily been reached. Plus, they already knew their decision going into the interviews since only one candidate was interviewed. Today is the last day the University is open until after the new year, surely they higher ups recognize the need to make, and publicize a decision, even in the unlikely event it was to retain Matt's interim title and do a national search in the spring.
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Tere North wrote:Why no announcement yet? Heck, it was only a 3-hr interview yesterday, so a decision should have easily been reached. Plus, they already knew their decision going into the interviews since only one candidate was interviewed. Today is the last day the University is open until after the new year, surely they higher ups recognize the need to make, and publicize a decision, even in the unlikely event it was to retain Matt's interim title and do a national search in the spring.
There you go using your common sense again, Tere North. ;)
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Tere North
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I know Rocki, I get called out for that a lot. Yes, having been in higher ed for >30 years I should know better, but then all those military tests said I should have been a mechanic, so maybe that's where the common sense came from :lol:
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Tere North wrote:Why no announcement yet? Heck, it was only a 3-hr interview yesterday, so a decision should have easily been reached. Plus, they already knew their decision going into the interviews since only one candidate was interviewed. Today is the last day the University is open until after the new year, surely they higher ups recognize the need to make, and publicize a decision, even in the unlikely event it was to retain Matt's interim title and do a national search in the spring.
I too was wondering if an announcement was forthcoming, so like it is basically a done deal. Might as well remove the "interim" tag before the coaching search gets hot and heavy.
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I religiously read all things Neck related on this site, but this is the first time I feel I should chime in and post. Tanney is not the right move for our athletic department. I have it on decent authority that the majority of coaches don't really respect him, and I think that is an important attribute to have in an athletic director. While he is good in terms of dictating legislation, etc, he is very poor interpersonally, doesn't communicate well and doesn't do conflict well, which are all things that an AD should be capable of. What we need and have needed for a while is someone proven that can raise money, that is what is the absolute biggest need, without question. What steps has Matt really taken to raise money? I'm not talking about a few thousand because at this stage, that does relatively very little. I never understood the affinity for Tommy, he wasn't well received by many, and he constantly promised and routinely under-delivered (used car salesman routine), and I don't understand all of the "Matt is doing a good job" stuff. What people perceive goes on in the athletic department and the way it really is, is quite different. Right now, and I hate to admit it, it is a horror show administratively. This is part of the issue: Biller and Thomas sit up on the hill but never really have a real sense of what goes on day to day and they should get more involved or they should get out. Biller's handing of the Yelk fiasco is beyond farcical, and made the athletic department a laughing stock at a time when it needed to appear in control and commanding. Tanney is out of his depth, and I just don't get having an AD that coaches don't respect at all. Tanney meets with the coaches during his interview!, is that a fair position for any of them to be in, they can't ask anything of substance in case it comes back to bite them if Tanney is removed from interim tag and named full time AD. If he is a good candidate then do the national search and let's see if he can stand on his own two feet, because I believe he would pale in comparison to candidates with good athletic director experience. The likely only reason the search has been internal and not national, is to hire him at a cut rate price, since our current financial state likely won't allow us to hire an AD that can really make the moves we need to make. The fiasco of the way Tanney has handled things from November through now is evidence that he is not equipped for the position, and I can't read these postings about how he is doing a good job, he flat out isn't. The mere fact that a conference coach is leaving on his watch for another conference team (despite what you think of Bob) doesn't bode well. He was on vacation? So what, he should have cancelled it and come back, he isn't a "regular" employee, he is the athletic director and should act as such. In athletics, the jobs are all consuming and the state of the athletic department/needing a new football coach is something that could and should never be placed on the back burner. Cancel the vacation and put out the fire that has seen the conference coach of the year leave the sidelines at Hanson for the greener pastures of conference foe USD. While we are struggling for money as a university, his time would have been better spent doing a major gifts campaign to improve all aspects of the department, but instead he is cruising the high seas, -its just absurd. Call a spade a spade. It is well known that since he has been elevated to "interim" that he has gone from treating people fairly well, to showing them less respect and that isn't a good trait. I think its pretty ridiculous that he is the only candidate that is being interviewed, that is precisely the problem at Western, is that people accept things the way they play out instead of fighting against things and lobbying for real change. Tanney wants to do a "national search" for a football coach, but we don't even do a national search for an athletic director? Talk about insulating yourself to attempt to secure a position. Is that not hypocrisy at its finest? I think he should be demoted to his previous position and he should remain there, as I feel he was pretty good in that capacity, but in terms of having an athletic director, I think this is a step too far for him. Not only is he poor at raising funds, he has none of the essential qualities that good leaders have; he doesn't inspire, he doesn't bring energy, he doesn't exemplify that passion that I think the director of athletics at our fine university should have. If I was in the athletics department, I could never visualize myself being pumped up or excited to work for a guy that is so poor interpersonally. Anyone can shake hands at games and smile a little, but being good interpersonally and inspiring people is a totally different thing and he doesn't have it. If you don't have the important leadership tangibles and he doesn't, you have to at least be an exceptional fundraiser and he has proven nothing substantial in that aspect to date.
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Well said, Neck4Life.
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In addition, as if finding an athletic director was a big enough task, the State isn't helping not just our institution but other Illinois institutions as well: ... -education
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