Updates to faculty layoff plan and other stuff

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wiu712 wrote:In a Feb 3 "Western Courier" article, it was mentioned that the university is facing a 25 percent decrease in student enrollment since 2006.

http://westerncourier.com/34445/news/bi ... esses-sga/

That is a sizeable decrease in enrollment over the last 10 years.
According to official "10th day" numbers (10th day of classes...the "official" numbers that they use every semester for enrollment), Fall 2006 (our high point in the last 15 or so years) we had 13,602 total students and Fall 2015 we had 11,094, a decrease of 18.4%. It's entirely likely that we're down again this spring, due to questions about state finances. Hopefully all the advertising that we've been doing as well as the 3% tuition decrease for new students will help bring that back up somewhat. They haven't released the numbers for this spring, but I know that they're down as compared to last year. Spring to Spring in the last 10 years, the decrease is more like 19%.

For comparison, the 10-year span from Fall 2005 to Fall 2015, the change in enrollment for the various state schools goes like this:
UIS - 16.38% (4,517 -> 5,402)
UIC - 13.34% (24,812 -> 28,632)
GSU - 8.98% (5,405 -> 5,938)
SIUE - 5.64% (13,460 -> 14,265)
UIUC - 4.87% (41,938 -> 44,087)
ISU - 2.52% (20,265 -> 20,788)
WIU - -20.82% (13,404 -> 11,094)
NEIU - -22.98% (12,164 -> 9,891)
SIUC - -23.99% (21,441 -> 17,292)
NIU - -25.23% (21,441 -> 17,292)
EIU - -42.36% (12,129 -> 8,520)
CSU - -47.58% (7,035 -> 4,767)...for reference, I was unable to find 2005 for CSU, so numbers are comparing 2006 to 2015 (9-year span)

The total of all students at all Illinois public universities has decreased by just under 11,000 students from 2005 to 2015 (again, using 2006 numbers for CSU, but it's still pretty close to that).
So you can see why CSU and EIU are the ones caught in the "first wave" of significant issues due to huge decreases in enrollment. There's a group of schools all in the 20%-26% decrease range: NIU, SIUC, NEIU, and WIU. Then a few that have seen modest growth: ISU, UIUC, SIUE. And a few that have had pretty decent growth (whether because enrollment wasn't that large to begin with, or because they have actually added a significant amount of students): GSU, UIC, and UIS. UIS and GSU have really only added fewer than 1,000 students in that timeframe, but as a percentage of total enrollment, it's decent growth. UIC has added the most students in that time, with 3,820.

Here's the raw numbers (most taken from each school's Institutional Research and Planning website):
I've added a color scale for each school, the lower the enrollment number, the closer to red it is, the higher the number, the closer to green. So for each school, darkest red is lowest number, darkest green is highest number, so you can kinda see how some schools have steadily increased, some have steadily decreased, and some have somewhat jumped around a bit.
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Food for thought: If say Governor State and Northeastern close down does the money the state was going to give them get distributed towards the other schools since it is in the higher education fund. The state is in shambles, but maybe we have overgrown the proper number of state universities? Do all states have that many, it seems like a lot. I would think like 5 or 6 would be normal. I am not hoping that anyone's alma mater closes down, but if we have outgrown it may be time to evaluate our higher education in Illinois. I would think you would want the main schools UIUC, ISU, NIU, SIU, SIUE, WIU, EIU & UIC to remain since these are relatively spread out and help cover entire state and make higher education available in all regions. That would mean if you closed the remaining schools it would leave approx 158 million to be distributed between 8 schools which would not solve the cuts, but it would be enough to soften the blow. Plus UIUC was losing over 200 million, but they spent 88 million funding UIS. Lets assume that UIUC gets all of the 88 million from UIS then that leaves 7 schools to split approx 70 million dollars. Like I said all hypothetical and hopefully would never happen as it would leave to many people without jobs. Things in next 2 to 3 years could get crazy here in Illinois.

http://chicagotonight.wttw.com/2015/11/ ... iversities
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When schools are "dipping into reserves", does that mean utilizing endowments funds to stay afloat?
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sealhall74 wrote:When schools are "dipping into reserves", does that mean utilizing endowments funds to stay afloat?
Maybe some, but there's restrictions on how much of an endowment a university can pull out for funding, as well as possible restrictions on what the money is going to be used for as set down by the person who donated it. Probably not much is coming out of the endowment, but some universities (like Western) have seen problems coming down the road and focused on saving money for a "rainy day". Well, it's pouring now, so those that saved are able to make due for a while on what we have in reserve. Can't go for a real long time on it, but we'll be ok for a while.
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What does anyone think about Obama going to Springfield, will that help get a budget done? Probably not but just wondering what others think.
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meganeck wrote:What does anyone think about Obama going to Springfield, will that help get a budget done? Probably not but just wondering what others think.
I mean...it's kinda cool, but I doubt it'll make anything happen. The people that are causing the problem don't really care what Obama thinks of them.
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Nope, don't think he'll make one bit of difference. I'll leave it at that.
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Obama trip will be about as useful as "tits on a boar". I am rather surprised that the universities have not organized some sort of daily demonstration or sit-in. Seems like a few faculty and students from each university could take turns making the trek to Springfield. Carry some signs, have a chant or two at the ready. Cost of doing that is minimal and would maybe bring some national exposure and embarrassment to those responsible for the debacle.
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This was at Eastern. Maybe we need to start doing this.

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The Eastern Illinois President sends a letter to the students about the budget concerns: