10/4 #1 NDSU at WIU

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WIU0812 wrote:Won't be see any more big crowds this year since it is getting cold and after 2 conference NCR losses it is hard for a lot of people to get excited
It is either too hot, too wet, too windy or too cold for the current Western fan base - all lame excuses. The weather yesterday in Macomb was perfect for football. It was homecoming.

Poor school spirit is the problem. If there had been a large and raucous crowd yesterday, it is possible the outcome would have been different. We will never know. This opponent was the number one ranked team in the country and the team played better than many expected. If I were player on this team I would be disgusted with the level of student support. As an alumnus, I am embarrassed because strong fan support was once a proud tradition at Western, regardless of the on field record.

Strong fan support contributes to winning, especially in close games [see the "12th man"]. If Western fans truly do want more wins, they need to get off their butts, support this team and be part of the solution.

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I agree with 712, too many 3 and outs in the 2nd half. It didn't give the defense any time to rest. Should have had a TD late but Norvell couldn't connect with Lenoir who had his defender beat. I also noticed on the same play he had Baker wide open over the middle. I'm not trying to start anything but it looked like Lenoir was frustrated with Norvell on those last couple of drives. Did anyone else notice this?
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BobLovely wrote:
WIU0812 wrote:Won't be see any more big crowds this year since it is getting cold and after 2 conference NCR losses it is hard for a lot of people to get excited
It is either too hot, too wet, too windy or too cold for the current Western fan base - all lame excuses. The weather yesterday in Macomb was perfect for football. It was homecoming.

Poor school spirit is the problem. If there had been a large and raucous crowd yesterday, it is possible the outcome would have been different. We will never know. This opponent was the number one ranked team in the country and the team played better than many expected. If I were player on this team I would be disgusted with the level of student support. As an alumnus, I am embarrassed because strong fan support was once a proud tradition at Western, regardless of the on field record.

Strong fan support contributes to winning, especially in close games [see the "12th man"]. If Western fans truly do want more wins, they need to get off their butts, support this team and be part of the solution.


I could give you physical data from hundreds of teams that having losing records for a similar period of time as us, but if you really wanna good one use U of I and their pathetic attempts at a game day crowd for a school their size. Win games and put fans butts in stands not the other way around though fans help win once they are there. If you can be good for a few years in a row you can have a losing season and still have fans come out. Pure fact we have sucked for 3 plus years with no strings of good wins or playoff appearance so that means no fans. You can't compare to past because we used to always be somewhat competitive and three absolute terrible seasons means we are losing title as a football school. Personally I will watch any football game even one I have no support for on a nice day but on a cold dreary day it is hard to get even the best fans out and as of right now WIUs best fans are it's alumni which are spread far and wide because the students don't wanna watch their team lose. I do not mean to offend but no one can blame a fan for not traveling on a bad day to watch a almost sure loss. That being said I really wish we were winning and putting 10000 in the stands on any given day despite weather. Really hope there is a light at end of this tunnel soon.
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meganeck wrote:Should have had a TD late but Norvell couldn't connect with Lenoir who had his defender beat. I also noticed on the same play he had Baker wide open over the middle. I'm not trying to start anything but it looked like Lenoir was frustrated with Norvell on those last couple of drives. Did anyone else notice this?
Yes, I noticed this. Great point!

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WIU0812 wrote:Wont be see any more big crowds this year since it is getting cold and after 2 conference losses it is hard for a lot of people to get excited.
We have two more October games coming up which should bring out some big crowds:
October 18 vs Illinois State at 3PM (Dad's Weekend)
October 25 vs Northern Iowa at 1PM (Kid's Day)

The final home game on November 22 vs Indiana State at 1PM (Senior Day) will have a smaller crowd because it falls on the first weekend of Thanksgiving break. Plus the weather for a late November game is always a factor.
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I could give you physical data from hundreds of teams that having losing records for a similar period of time as us, but if you really wanna good one use U of I and their pathetic attempts at a game day crowd for a school their size. Win games and put fans butts in stands not the other way around though fans help win once they are there. If you can be good for a few years in a row you can have a losing season and still have fans come out. Pure fact we have sucked for 3 plus years with no strings of good wins or playoff appearance so that means no fans. You can't compare to past because we used to always be somewhat competitive and three absolute terrible seasons means we are losing title as a football school. Personally I will watch any football game even one I have no support for on a nice day but on a cold dreary day it is hard to get even the best fans out and as of right now WIUs best fans are it's alumni which are spread far and wide because the students don't wanna watch their team lose. I do not mean to offend but no one can blame a fan for not traveling on a bad day to watch a almost sure loss. That being said I really wish we were winning and putting 10000 in the stands on any given day despite weather. Really hope there is a light at end of this tunnel soon.
On a national basis, I do clearly understand the more entitled nature of modern college football fandom today who will only really support a "winner." After all, "special people" deserve a winner [sarcasm intended] in order to be properly "entertained." I understand all of this but this does not mean I approve or respect the current "fair weather" attitude of college football fans. This way of thinking is just not in my value system. If it was, I could have never helped to turn around two corporations who were losing money as an executive during my corporate life. It is easy to support a winner.

The current Western football team is competitive [does not suck] and deserves better fan support. This was really my earlier point. Additionally, this team could easily be 5-2 had they not taken "pay day games" against two Big 10 teams on the road. Western may have been better off in the eyes of their fan base had they loaded up on victories games against FCS and Division II cupcakes. Then, they would be viewed as winners.

I do acknowledge your valid point that the recent past for Western football has not been positive and that this does have an effect on attendance at games. I am patient with the progress of the team. It takes time to build a football program back up from the depths of where Western was. I believe we currently have the right coaching staff to achieve this. However, more fan support can only help. After all, the players are also students and they work hard to prepare for games. They deserve more respect from their fellow students. This is what I meant by a lack of school spirit.

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I enjoyed that talk and agree it is all disappointing but the .modern world is ruining football. I didnt mean to say suck more of disappointing. I also agree if they would play even high level FCS teams would lose to WIU.
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One observation from the game: The crowd did get bigger as the game went on. I think that word got out around town that we actually had a chance to win this game, and people started showing up. And people tended to stay for the game. Usually the crowd starts to drop off after halftime, but not yesterday.

Here's a negative observation: It was often difficult to hear the Western band due to the very loud recorded music coming out of the endzone speakers. My opinion is to turn off that recorded music when the band is playing.

For comparison purposes, here is the attendance at the other MVFC games:

12,218: Youngstown State at Missouri State
10,919: South Dakota State at Illinois State
8,144: South Dakota at Southern Illinois
4,291: Northern Iowa at Indiana State

FBS team (and former BCS-Buster) Northern Illinois had a crowd of 15,620 for their home game with Kent State.

Monmouth College had 1,600 for their Homecoming game vs Beloit.
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WIU0812 wrote:I enjoyed that talk and agree it is all disappointing but the .modern world is ruining football. I didnt mean to say suck more of disappointing. I also agree if they would play even high level FCS teams would lose to WIU.
I enjoyed our exchange as well. Thanks!

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I have a couple of observations from this weekend.

1) Despite the drainage problems on the porch, which seemed minimal, the union looks absolutely great. Had lunch in the Bistro area, and the food court and seating was filled with students, eating. meeting, hanging, and chilling! It has become a real hot spot on campus. I was there for the ribbon cutting too and here is hoping that in the near future Phase 2 happens.

2) I was in the parade on the alumni float in cognito with a afro wig and 70's silk shirt. The square and the parade route was filled with people with smiles and purple and gold clothes. The parade is a special event that I hope continues on for a long time. There seemed to be a lot of spirit for the Leathernecks which has not yet equated to butts in the seats at Hanson. but it will in the very near future. No matter what, people love WIU!

3) Take a look at the admissions "viewbook" that can be found at the admissions page "online!" It has been received very well where ever our admission counselors have gone and seems to be flying off the shelf. WIU has adjusted scholarship monies so that it effects the upper middle, and middle ACT students which is really what WIU is about. There is still plenty of money for the elite students too. WIU increased the admission requirements and has limited the number of challenged students which has equated to a significant rise in retention rate this year. NIU has decided to let more challenged students in (down to 13 on the ACT) a rode that it took WIU 5 years to recover from. Things are looking up my Leatherneck friends!!!

4) The entrance way on 67 and university looks great, very stately. I had a hand at lining university with banners on Saturday morning. Looked sweet!

5) Tail gate went on and on in Q! Not sure what it was like for "Parent's Weekend" but there was some significant tailgating going on!

6) I thought the crowd was significant and was surprised at the 5100! I do know that when you enter Hanson, they are keeping track of tickets in a manner that was not so in the past. I am not necessarily saying that the attendance figures were bloated in the past but one has to wonder
after being a part of yesterdays crowd what the announced attendance would have been prior to the Bell era.

7) It was a hard fought game. WIU seemed to run out of bullets at the end of the game. Lenoir was wide open and I did see a bit of frustration with an under thrown ball. The fumble as Hammonds was looking for more yardage really hurt. Our football team is making huge strides in the right direction. Nielson's staff is up for the MVFC challenge but it takes time with such a young team. It was really kinda of a different atmosphere after the game. We walked back to Q with most of both teams walking the same way. There was no giddiness, no smiles, just looks of exhaustion, a strange quiet amongst the combatants. I know the WIU fans were disappointed, but the Ndst fans were very very respectful and a bit shell shocked. Every one predicted a blow out, except for Coach Nielson who said, " if we can score 18 points, we will win!" How prophetic his statement when it was all said and done.

I am and will always be a Leatherneck. I also was born with a "positive streak" in me. Guess I usually look for the good and not the bad. The flags looked great, and Hanson Field did too. I liked the scoreboard but hope that the video screen increases in size in years to come. I think how it is used will continue to develop. I do think the band and the video board need to coordinate as 712 noted.

Enough said! Carter out! ;) jc
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