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ST, I don't see tag which allows posting of nicely formatted tabular data. What do you think about allowing embedding of Google Doc iframes? Below is a link to a sample Google Doc spreadsheet as embedded in my SMF playground.

http://chompbit.net/RockyRavesForum/ind ... 335#msg335

The publishing link for that spreadsheet:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... 1w/pubhtml

The iframe embedding code (I added the height and width parameters myself):
<iframe src="" height="200" width="800"></iframe>

[thinkpurple]I am thinking of purple-colored Easter eggs today[/thinkpurple]

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Sounds like a great idea.

Testing out the code now.....

[gdrive]https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub ... utput=html[/gdrive]

Looks like it works. I'll work up a formal "How-To" for it, but the short instructions....
Publish your document, grab the link to the published data (like this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub ... utput=html)
and put it between [gdrive] tags.

So it looks like:

Code: Select all

And you get the result shown above.
Scott Lawson - Board Admin
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Any chance we can make arrows on right side that take u to the last post a little bit bigger to make easier to click on? Also, does this page have option that highlights the date and time of posts in the last two days kind of like other page had.
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WIU0812 wrote:Any chance we can make arrows on right side that take u to the last post a little bit bigger to make easier to click on? Also, does this page have option that highlights the date and time of posts in the last two days kind of like other page had.
The first one (arrow size) probably is the easier to do. The second one, I'll look around and see if someone has come up with a plugin to do that.

I'll try to work on those sometime tomorrow.
Scott Lawson - Board Admin
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WIU0812 wrote:Any chance we can make arrows on right side that take u to the last post a little bit bigger to make easier to click on? Also, does this page have option that highlights the date and time of posts in the last two days kind of like other page had.
Arrow thing - made larger and I'm trying to get them to move to the right so they line up better with each other, but that part's kinda tricky.

Also, I noticed there's a bar just under the gold Home icon on the front page that says:
View unanswered posts • View unread posts • View new posts • View active topics
I know it's not exactly what you're wanting, but hopefully it'll work for you...viewing new posts and viewing unread posts. I'm trying to see if I can figure out how they determine "new" posts and maybe set that for the last 24 hours or something, so you can click that and see what all has come through in the last day. At the very least, you can view unread posts to see anything that's new since you last visited the site.

Is that ok? Do I need to keep looking for other options?
Scott Lawson - Board Admin
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That is perfect they are much larger and easy to notice that they link you to the last post. The only thing that is deceiving now is the ones on the left which do nothing. Other than that it is getting much better. Basically the forum itself seems very fluid and I have yet to find a real issue. I saw there is a share on link for social medias now which I have not tried, but will soon. Basically from what I can see the rest is going to be fine tuning and what not maybe some cosmetic to make it really look original, but other than that its looking awesome. Great job and can't wait to see this page you mentioned about the PAC.
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WIU0812 wrote:That is perfect they are much larger and easy to notice that they link you to the last post. The only thing that is deceiving now is the ones on the left which do nothing. Other than that it is getting much better. Basically the forum itself seems very fluid and I have yet to find a real issue. I saw there is a share on link for social medias now which I have not tried, but will soon. Basically from what I can see the rest is going to be fine tuning and what not maybe some cosmetic to make it really look original, but other than that its looking awesome. Great job and can't wait to see this page you mentioned about the PAC.
Yea, I just got the plugin working for sharing on social media, so that shows up now. There's a lot of options for social media sharing...so if there's a site you think should be listed that isn't, let me know and I'll see if I can get it added in there.

I could probably remove the arrow on the left if we think that's going to be an issue. I don't think I can make it link as well (it's kinda weirdly coded).

I'm also working on getting ads working in a somewhat non-invasive way. They won't show up until Google approves the application though, so they could just turn on at any time. If you see ads just start showing up but they look strange or in the wrong places, just know that I'll be working on fixing that fairly quickly.
Scott Lawson - Board Admin
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Sounds great, and you do not necessarily have to get rid of arrows on left could change them to something else would be awesome if they could be like a purple paw print haha probably asking for to much now.
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WIU0812 wrote:Sounds great, and you do not necessarily have to get rid of arrows on left could change them to something else would be awesome if they could be like a purple paw print haha probably asking for to much now.
Changing to a different icon actually wouldn't be that difficult. Paw print, small Rocky head, whatever. I just have to come up with the right graphic. I'll play around with that some later.
Scott Lawson - Board Admin
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I see you were able to make the change looks awesome. Wish I knew who made the WIU Graphics as I saw that the magnet they sent me for voting in 6th fan had a pretty awesome logo that would look nice at top if it read leatherneck nation basically see below. Looks very similar to the one that I posted from the video board.
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