Fall 2021 - Week 2 - at Montana

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Jared Elliott Show from yesterday (starts at ~7:35 in the video)

Scott Lawson - Board Admin
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Same old, same old. "We've got the talent, blah, blah, blah", "we didn't execute like we need to", and on and on. I understand what he's saying, and to a point I believe it, but it seems like the man needs a fire lit under his butt if we're ever to see any improvement. It appears that it's easier for him to go on the show and semi-apologize instead of taking hard action to turn things around. Just my way of seeing it - don't expect any agreements.
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So this thread went sideways. 

"hey 101 are you aware that HBCU's can be good, I mean really good!"  


I'm also aware that HBCU's exited in an apartheid society, (if not by strick definition, then most certainly by being literally being owned by another human, or forever being a 2nd Class Citizen) of which Illinois was never (officially) engaged in.  

There is no Place in Illinois for HBCU's. as in Period, as in never. Yes, there are prominent HBCU's in the former "Confederate States" they existed in the oppressed South. Blacks were denied admission to any other school (to be clear the North was complicit in large degree).  

Illinois does not fit any criteria for any school ever attempting to be called or start an image as an HBCU.  Chicago State Universiy is not an HBCU, it can't be. Yes 95% of it's student's are of color.  I don't know why people want to glorify something that Illinois should be proud it never engaged in.....HBCU's. I love diversity, I do not share St. Lawson's Romanticized view of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities. I view the title of HBCU as pejorative, that is how I feel, I'm getting pretty old, I think I will not change my view.  

Are there good HBCU's? 


Also, a sign of the times is when an HBCU (NCA&T) leaves and HBCU conference. To become a better school.....? well that's tricky. Gotta keep up with the times holding on to an oppressed past is.......well going to leave you in the past.

I didn't address Tere's post because, I don't have knowledge of what conditions and opportunities were like in the 80's. I feel that what Dr. Smiley did was of value. 

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