A rant about athletes and crimes

Miscellaneous discussions. Things that don't have anything to do with Western, Leatherneck Athletics, college sports in general, etc.
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It seems every day I read in the national media where an athlete- generally football- ( and I love football so not picking on them) is arrested or kicked off of the team for some type of criminal behavior. How stupid - and we all know there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity-are these players? Or, are the ones arrested etc. just continuing behavior they have done for years? If so, why are they even allowed in school? Yes, I know, second, third chances.

It just irritates the heck out of me to see these so called "student" athletes fail to take advantage of great opportunities. Following Division 3 looks more appealing every day.

I've been around, so I understand the business side of big time college athletics, but, sometimes I need to rant about these athletes who can't get their heads on straight, and, the coaches who will continually look the other way. To me, when you have a number of "student" athletes causing trouble at a particular school, it denigrates the other students and the school in general.

My rant for the month.
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I believe that sports are a true microcosm of society so I am not shocked when I read or hear about bad behavior by college athletes. Football coaches have it much tougher when it comes to evaluating and monitoring player behavior simply because of the higher player/coach ratio. They no doubt spend a non-trivial amount of recruiting time looking for a few players with leadership potential to assist in keeping the "bad eggs" in line.
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