Why I give!

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I have considered writing this for quite sometime. Now seems to be as good of time as any. It's not news to any of you that I am the Leatherneck Club Coordinator for Chicagoland, which means that my job is to find and recruit Leatherneck Club members in an area rich in WIU graduates. Support and Giving back to one's alma mater is such a noble thing to do. For many colleges and universities, these almost seem to be an expectation. I guess you could call it a "culture of spirit and giving.!" App. State is up in the mountains, and yet for years filled their stadium to the brim, game after game, year after year. Many D1 schools in the south have stadiums 5 times the size of their enrollment but continue to fill their stadiums. And then there is Notre Dame. I bring the Irish up for one reason and one reason only. Many years ago, as infilled the cooler with pop and water, my wife said to me, "why are you going to Macomb?" To see the game of course! I replied. "You act like its Notre Dame," she said. It is! was my reply, it's my Notre Dame, don't you get it? I still remember the moment I became a Neck fan. It was parents weekend the fall of 1971. I watched from the north end zone with my kid sister the thrilling end of the WIU/Ballst game which took a goal line stand by Western to seal the win. From that day on, I was hooked. Yes, I spent 4 years of my life in Macomb at a time when football was "king!" During that time I broke up with one girl and fell in love with another. I struggled, studied, and grew up, walking the plains of Macomb. Even though I have 2 degrees from NIU, the degree I received from WIU allowed me to teach and coach at a school for 34 years. I will always remember the professors I had and the fact that Gil Peterson took the time to answer my constant questions about the future of WIU athletics. I have lived through 5 different AD's, 5 different presidents, 6 different basketball coaches, 8 football coaches, and a much debated nickname change, and Western is and will always be my alma mater! Yes, I have gotten impatient for change, for construction (CPA and Hanson Field), I have been irritated with attitudes on this board and in other places, but no mater what, WIU is and will always be my passion, my alma mater. And that is why I am a member of the Leatherneck club and why I give. How much you can give is up to you! The most important thing is to help your alma mater "restore the glory" by being a Leatherneck Club member! Enough said! ;) jc
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I will get 'er done it done very shortly. But NFS71, you need to tell the "staff" to fix a thing or two. Do a Google search for "Leatherneck Club". If your results are like mine, you get a page of "stuff" but no where on that page does it tell you how to join the club. Try that search for "Team Makers" and see the difference. Once again, it's those damn little things that make a difference in life. Also, why not have recurring membership credit card payment on a yearly basis for old farts like me who tend to forget every now and then?
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Fansince 71- I'm very likely one of the posters who have an attitude that has " irritated" you over the years. However, asking or discussing tough questions shouldn't be considered a negative. In fact, it could be argued it's a sign of folks who are interested and wanting what is best for the athletes at WIU. Your way isn't the only way, just as my way isn't the only way. WIU has some resource issues, that is a fact. Discussing ideas on how to utilize these resources should be encouraged. I believe any one who visits or posts on this site wants the student athletes to succeed and play for championships. If that means doing something different than " what's always been done", then so be it. Potential stagnation isn't good for any one.

I have contributed to WIU in the past, and will again.

Note- I wrote earlier and somehow got bumped off, hope this doesn't get submitted twice.
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Leatherface, I would never want the debate to end. I am sure I have irritated you too! I have a habit of sometimes drinking to much of the Kool-aide and I truly don't mind hearing another perspective or opinion. That is what this board is all about! We are all passionate about WIU, otherwise why would we spend our time making statements, having them vanish, and then taking the time to write them again like you did this morning and I did with another topic last night. I do know that I must have said to the "powers that be" don't forget the suburbs, and.......finally I found someone who not only agreed with me but also found a creative way to put me to work. I know you will not stop giving your opinion and you know I will not either. I will try hard not to drink too much of the "Koolaide" just before I compose a statement or reply!

Seal, I will take your message to MJ this coming weekend! Thanks to you both for being Leatherneck Club members in the past and in the future! ;) jc
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Just used the online Leatherneck Club donation feature to donate for the year. I made a note no mine to add it to the fund for the West Side Stands of football field. Hopefully they already have some type of fund started they can just add it to.
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Excellent! ;)
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