What happen to this team

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Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:26 pm
Location: Denver, Colorado

It will be interesting to see how conference play shakes out. ORU is curently sitting in 8th, but I watched the game against Denver tonight and they are a scary good shooting team when put up against the ropes and shooting under real defensive pressure from the 3. Hopefully we turn the corner and get the defense and offense clicking better and more consistently going forward. Every team is prone to some off nights, but we need to start getting some momemtum going to get the season (conference season) headed in the right direction. If we dont make the playoffs, or have a respectable tournament, the good wins we have had thus far will be for not.

Let's Go Necks
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Joined: Sat May 03, 2014 10:25 am

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OldHare wrote:Article today in Sioux Falls.
http://www.argusleader.com/story/sports ... /78300980/
Good article about #32 Tate Stensgaard. Thanks for sharing that!
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